Business plans to expand your operations
Whether you are starting a new business or are expanding your operations, let us help you develop a well-written business plan that will generate confidence and help you secure funding. We incorporate up to date market research in our business plans to give banks and other financial institutions a good picture of your goals
Financing Tips
Get funding for your next project.
1. Financing Tip 1
Before seeking a loan, explore other funding options for your business e.g., government grants, external investors, venture capitalists, etc
2. Financing Tip 2
Your home bank is a good starting point when seeking business funding as there is trust and goodwill from the existing business relationship.
3. Financing Tip 3
Before submitting your business plan, talk to a business advisor or manager to build a relationship and obtain information on specific application requirements, including whether they fund your type of business.
4. Financing Tip 4
Approach multiple institutions with your business plan or proposal to increase your options and/or get better terms for your loan.
Get a project quote today!
We’ll put together a customized quote about your project and work with you to get started on your project. Let’s build something together!
Contact us today for Quick, Smart & Intuitive Business Plans.
Our business plans are built to be in line with your your specific business vision and goals.
#202 9218 Ellerslie Road SW, Edmonton, AB
Mon-Fri: 8am – 5pm
Sat: 9am – 4pm
Sun: Closed
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Tel: 587-599-2969